**Materials Needed:**
1. Pink or red candle
2. Rose petals
3. Hibiscus flowers or tea
4. Rose quartz crystal
5. Matches or a lighter
6. A small bowl or dish
7. A comfortable and quiet space
1. **Cleansing**: Begin by cleansing your space. This can be done by smudging the area with sage, or simply by visualizing a white light filling the space and clearing any negative energies.
2. **Set Intentions**: Before you start, take a moment to set your intentions. Focus on the purpose of the ritual, which is to cultivate self-love, acceptance, and inner peace.
**Ritual Steps:**
1. **Preparation of the Space**:
- Place the pink or red candle in the center of your workspace.
- Surround the candle with a circle of rose petals.
- Next to the candle, place the rose quartz crystal.
- Prepare a cup of hibiscus tea and have it ready to drink.
2. **Candle Lighting**:
- Light the candle with your matches or lighter.
- As you do so, say aloud or silently: "I light this candle to symbolize the flame of self-love that burns within me."
3. **Rose Quartz Activation**:
- Hold the rose quartz crystal in your hands.
- Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
- Visualize the crystal filling with a soft pink light, emanating love and compassion.
- Say aloud or silently: "With this rose quartz, I open my heart to love and accept myself unconditionally."
4. **Hibiscus Tea Infusion**:
- Hold the cup of hibiscus tea in your hands.
- Feel the warmth of the tea and imagine it filling you with love and positivity.
- Take a sip and let the soothing taste remind you of your worth and beauty.
5. **Rose Petal Offering**:
- Take a handful of rose petals and hold them close to your heart.
- Say aloud or silently: "As these rose petals are beautiful and cherished, so am I. I honor and love myself deeply."
6. **Closing the Ritual**:
- Sit quietly for a few moments, basking in the energy you've created.
- Thank the universe, the elements, and any deities or spirits you believe in for their presence and guidance.
- Blow out the candle, but keep the rose quartz and rose petals in a special place as a reminder of your self-love and the ritual you've performed.
**Final Thoughts:**
Remember, the power of this ritual lies in your belief and intention. Practice this self-love ritual regularly to strengthen your connection with yourself and to cultivate a deeper sense of love and acceptance. As you become more comfortable with the process, feel free to personalize and adapt the ritual to better suit your individual needs and preferences.